Mike and Maria Fecik

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Mike and Maria Fecik

Location: North America · Canada · Burlington, Waterdown
Coaching Types: Group Training, Online, Personal
Languages: English

About me

With over 30 years of combined coaching and athletic experience, we bring the right combination that helps our HYROX clients be successful. We have both competed in both short, long & ultra distance endurance events, as well as body building, strength competitions and multiple HYROX competitions. We carry many certifications, of which include HYROX , triathlon coaching & personal training certifications. We take the time to truly understand your needs and meet you where you are at, and give the support needed to reach your potential. We believe that your fitness journey is a testament to the belief that true transformation goes beyond the confines of the gym. It's about adopting a mindset that welcomes adversity as a catalyst for growth, and it's a celebration of the continual pursuit of becoming the best version of yourself. We're here to help - let's chat!