Ariadna Ojeda

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Ariadna Ojeda

Location: North America · United States · Miami, Miami Beach
Coaching Types: Group Training, Online, Personal
Languages: English, Spanish

About me

Education: Sports and Exercise Science Degree and a Masters in Biomechanics. Experience: I have coached in run clubs and swim clubs across Europe before moving to Miami where I now do Personal Training at one of the most famous gyms in Miami: Anatomy. A year ago I competed in my first HYROX event and since then I've made it my mission to help as many people as possible get to know this sport and find out just how strong we can be at any age, no matter your background. Hyrox is the World's Series of Fitness Competitions because it's accessible to anybody. Everything you need to succeed in this sport is already within you, but I can help you smooth out the wrinkles in your form and your programming. If you are here right now just know one thing: This sport is going to change your life and transfom you into the super-human you've always been.